Monthly Archives: August 2013

Why Custom Palettes Choke Up their Owners

We’ve all had glimpses of our best colors in trying on clothing. But most of us haven’t seen all our best colors laid out together at once, on beautiful fabric.  When clients receive their palettes, they’re often quite emotional.  I’m both used to the response and astounded by it. Each time it reminds me that my work is fun; my work is pretty; and my work is deeply personal.  A customized color palette may seem a fun luxury but there is so much more to it.  Usually clients realize this – it really hits them – when they get their palette in the mail.

Here are the reasons I think a personalized palette can bring tears to a client’s eyes and a mixture of emotions to their heart:

1.  A custom palette is you in color form.  It’s got the physical parts of you that you love in it, and none of the parts you might wish were different.  (This is the meta-you. No wrinkles, no spots, not a hair out of place…the perfect YOU.)  You can see and accept your physical beauty much more easily when it’s presented in color form.

2. Your palette is not fleeting.  It’s there for you to study, hold and cherish.

3. It’s what you’ve been trying to find (your BEST colors!) and wondering about and now it’s here and it’s even more incredible than you could have ever imagined.  The sweet delight is a bit overwhelming.

4.  You’ve never known yourself or nurtured yourself in this way.  You’ve never seen how beautiful and unique YOU are.

5.  Now that you see YOU, you’re more sure of yourself than ever before. You feel enriched, empowered, beautiful and smart (for making such an investment).

6.  You “grow” in knowing your colors. You understand yourself better.  You can live more fully, more beautifully.

7.  You’ve honored yourself: your palette connects you to YOU, deeply.

Of course, as time passes the familiarity of the custom palette overtakes the novelty of ownership.  But along with the style guidelines that come with a palette, the woman can create a cohesive, winning wardrobe and the novelty of that never wears off!  The palette is still treasured and serves as a gentle reminder that our outer physical self, just like the rest of our body/mind/spirit deserves and is, in fact, enhanced by recognition, respect and a deeper understanding.


Edited on 8/13/13 to add a message I received from a mom across the country who had ordered an online palette for her teen daughter:

“SHE GOT HER FAN TODAY!!! She was blown away and is totally in love with it. She immediately held it to her heart and just cradled it lovingly while she absorbed it all. She was almost wordless as she caressed every single wand individually, just processing each color like she was committing it to memory.

It was so precious to watch her as she mentally and emotionally connected this beautiful fan with her own being. She looked up at me and said, “Mom, am I really this beautiful?”. There are no words to describe the feeling that was in my heart at that moment as tears freely ran down my cheeks. “Yes, you truly are that beautiful!”

There was then a very definite shift in her as she allowed this colorful proof of her beauty to become a part of her self-image. I could literally see the level of her confidence and self-acceptance increase. You are a color angel!

She now has clothes all over the bed going through them. It’s truly amazing to me to see firsthand just how powerful seeing one’s self in living color really is! It truly answers the age old question we all have. Who am I?”

This left me feeling very, very committed to my mission: